Do Not Allow Any Delay in Supply from China Due to Chinese Holidays

Chinese New Year (CNY) is a significant national holiday in China, leading to widespread business closures, including production facilities. Failure to plan for the CNY shutdown can significantly disrupt supply chain.

Whether you are a new importer or a seasoned buyer from China, while your product purchasing planning, it is crucial to be mindful of Chinese holidays when scheduling orders. Failure to account for these cultural differences can lead to delays in product dispatching, resulting in inventory shortages or loss of valuable client resources.

What are the Important Chinese Public Holidays in 2024?


– New Year Holiday on 1st January (Monday)

– Spring Festival from 10th February to 17th February (Saturday to next Saturday)

– Ching Ming Festival from 4th April to 6th April (Thursday to Saturday)

– Labour Day Holiday from 1st May to 5th May (Wednesday to Sunday)

– Dragon Boat Festival on 10th Jun (Monday)

– Mid-Autumn Festival from 15th September to 17th September (Sunday to Tuesday)

– National Day Holiday from 1st October to 7th October (Tuesday to Monday)

Not all holidays in China significantly impact business operations. Holidays with only a 3-day duration may only affect urgent orders, but unforeseen emergencies can still arise. It is essential to plan accordingly. Longer holidays, such as the Spring Festival and National Day holidays lasting 2 weeks, demand careful attention.

Particularly, the Spring Festival holiday poses significant challenges due to its extensive duration. Shipping schedules may be disrupted, with sea shipments delayed to the following week and air shipments postponed for several days, aligning with the duration of the public holiday.

Act now

Proactive planning is essential to mitigate any disruptions in deliveries or lead times. While there is no need for panicked purchasing, early preparation is key when dealing with furniture hardware suppliers.

Allocating three weeks for production halts, plus an additional two to three weeks for potential delays, suggests placing orders by late November or early December to meet pre-CNY deadlines. This timing allows for scheduling special tasks, such as tooling creation or raw material sourcing, and ensures prompt production commencement post-holiday closures.

Early ordering safeguards against last-minute rushes and maintains operational continuity.

Plan your shipping

Planning your shipping strategy is very important, especially with the surge in demand prior to CNY. While securing shipping space is challenging, prioritize early delivery over cost considerations. Effective communication with suppliers is key.

Discuss shipping plans based on actual needs. Aim to complete orders before the holiday or establish clear post-holiday shipment agreements. Expect production to resume gradually within two weeks post-holiday.

Additionally, verify port availability with your freight forwarder, as some ports may not resume operations until a week after the holiday concludes.


Proactive planning is crucial to navigate the challenges posed by Chinese holidays like CNY. Early ordering and effective communication with suppliers are essential to ensure smooth operations and mitigate disruptions.

Prioritize early shipping and verify port availability to avoid delays. Stay proactive and plan ahead to maintain business continuity during holiday periods. Maple Sourcing Ltd. is a trustworthy Chinese sourcing company that can coordinate your procurement activities with Chinese wholesales so that your supply is not affected due to holidays.