Gemstone Treatments and Enhancements: What You Need to Know

Gemstones are beautiful natural creations, but they can sometimes be enhanced to improve their appearance or durability. Gemstone treatments and enhancements are a wide range of processes that can be used to alter the color, clarity, or other characteristics of a gemstone.

Some gemstone treatments are very common and widely accepted, while others are more controversial. It is important to be aware of the different types of gemstone treatments and enhancements before you purchase a gemstone, so that you can make an informed decision.

Here is an overview of some of the most common gemstone treatments and enhancements:

Heat treatment: Heat treatment is a very common gemstone treatment that is used to improve the color and clarity of gemstones. Heat treatment can be used to remove impurities from gemstones, to change their color, and to improve their overall appearance.

Dyeing: Dyeing is a gemstone treatment that is used to change the color of a gemstone. Dyeing is often used on porous gemstones, such as turquoise and agate.

Fracture filling: Fracture filling is a gemstone treatment that is used to fill in fractures and cracks in gemstones. Fracture filling is often used on diamonds and other gemstones that are prone to cracking.

Irradiation: Irradiation is a gemstone treatment that uses radiation to change the color of a gemstone. Irradiation is often used on diamonds and other gemstones to produce a variety of colors, such as blue, green, and pink.

Coating: Coating is a gemstone treatment that is used to apply a thin layer of material to the surface of a gemstone. Coating is often used on gemstones to improve their luster or to protect them from scratches.

It is important to note that not all gemstone treatments and enhancements are created equal. Some treatments are more durable than others, and some treatments can affect the value of a gemstone. It is important to do your research and to purchase gemstones from a reputable dealer who can disclose any treatments or enhancements that have been performed on the gemstones.

Lab-grown diamonds are a special type of diamond that is grown in a laboratory under controlled conditions. Lab-grown diamonds are chemically and optically identical to

natural diamonds, but they are more sustainable and ethical. Lab-grown diamonds are also more affordable than natural diamonds.

Lab-grown diamonds are subject to the same types of treatments and enhancements as natural diamonds. However, it is important to note that not all lab-grown diamond manufacturers use the same treatments. Some lab-grown diamond manufacturers use treatments that are more durable than others. It is important to do your research and to purchase lab grown diamonds uk from a reputable dealer who can disclose any treatments or enhancements that have been performed on the diamonds.

Here are some tips for choosing gemstones that have been treated or enhanced:

Ask about treatments and enhancements: When you are purchasing a gemstone, ask the dealer if the gemstone has been treated or enhanced in any way. The dealer should be able to disclose any treatments or enhancements that have been performed on the gemstone.

Do your research: Before you purchase a gemstone, do your research to learn about the different types of gemstone treatments and enhancements. This will help you to make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase a gemstone that has been treated or enhanced.

Buy from a reputable dealer: Purchase gemstones from a reputable dealer who can disclose any treatments or enhancements that have been performed on the gemstones. If you are considering purchasing a lab-grown diamond in the UK, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

Choose a reputable dealer: It is important to purchase lab-grown diamonds from a reputable dealer. A reputable dealer will be able to provide you with a certificate of authenticity and will be able to disclose any treatments or enhancements that have been performed on the diamonds.

Ask about treatments and enhancements: When you are purchasing a lab-grown diamond, ask the dealer if the diamond has been treated or enhanced in any way. The dealer should be able to disclose any treatments or enhancements that have been performed on the diamond.

Be aware of the different types of treatments and enhancements: There are a variety of different treatments and enhancements that can be performed on lab-grown diamonds. It is important to be aware of the different types of treatments and enhancements so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not to purchase a lab-grown diamond that has been treated or enhanced.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you are purchasing gemstones that have been treated or enhanced in a responsible and ethical way.